Using Twitter Search Operators in Live

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Using Twitter search operators can help you narrow down a real-time Twitter search. Note: A number of filters are built into Live's integrated Twitter search.

How To Use Twitter Search Operators in a Real-Time Twitter Search

  1. Go to your stream’s Write page and click on the Twitter tab in the Search Hub.
  2. Fill in a search query into the Twitter search field. Qualify your search query using one of the Twitter search operators in the list below.
    Note: A number of filters are built into Live’s integrated Twitter search.
  3. Click Enter on your keyboard and sign into your Twitter account, if prompted.
  4. Results will populate matching your search criteria. Click Enter on your keyboard again to refresh your search results and populate any new Tweets since your previous search.
  5. Click the checkmark to publish a Tweet straight to your stream or the plus icon to bring to your Moderation Hub.

 List of Twitter Search Operators

Live uses Twitter’s API to search for tweets relevant to your search queries. Please check Twitter’s Query Operators page for the most up-to-date version of Twitter’s available search operators via the API. The following list is meant to be used as a guideline only.



Finds tweets...

watching now

containing both "watching" and "now". This is the default operator.

happy hour

containing the exact phrase "happy hour".

love OR hate

containing either "love" or "hate" (or both).

beer -root

containing "beer" but not "root".


containing the hashtag "haiku".


sent from person "alexiskold".


sent to person "techcrunch".


referencing person "mashable".

superhero since:2010-12-27

containing "superhero" and sent since date "2010-12-27" (year-month-day).*

ftw until:2010-12-27

containing "ftw" and sent before the date "2010-12-27".*

movie -scary :)

containing "movie", but not "scary", and with a positive attitude.**

flight :(

containing "flight" and with a negative attitude.**

traffic ?

containing "traffic" and asking a question.

hilarious filter:links

containing "hilarious" and linking to URL.

news source:twitterfeed

containing "news" and entered via TwitterFeed


containing geolocation data within a radius of a specific location***

*According to Twitter, the Search API is not a complete index of all Tweets, but serves as an index of the most recent Tweets relevant to your search query. Currently, this index includes between 6-9 days of Tweets. As a result, the since: and until: queries may not include Tweets beyond the index of recent Tweets.

**Tweets returned using this search operator will include the applicable emoticon.


***To search for Tweets from an area surrounding a specific location:

  1. Find the latitude and longitude of the location you would like to search. (Note: This can be done through Google Maps.)
  2. In the social sidebar Twitter search field, enter the geocode: operator, followed by the latitude, longitude and radius (in miles) that you would like your search to include, in quotation marks (e.g., a search of geocode: “43.643513,-79.397639,1mi” would return Tweets within a one-mile radius of the Live Toronto office.)